About - Listrix

Transform Your Digital Presence

We specialize in creating cutting-edge digital solutions that help businesses thrive in the modern world. Our expertise ensures your success in the digital landscape.

Customized Approach

Personalized strategies crafted to meet the specific needs of every client.

Professional Insights

Leverage the knowledge of seasoned experts for informed decision-making

Market Expertise

Deep understanding to confidently navigate market dynamics and shifts

Client-Focused Service

Dedicated to providing outstanding service and building lasting relationships


Innovating the Digital Future

Listrix Mission is committed to empowering businesses with innovative digital solutions that drive success. By leveraging advanced technologies and a customer-centric approach, we deliver tailored services that enhance efficiency, foster growth, and build lasting value. Our mission is to create seamless, secure, and impactful digital experiences, paving the way for a smarter and more connected future.


The Experts Behind Listrix

Preethi Shenoy

Preethi Shenoy





Ashoka D

Ashoka D


Prathik Shetty

Prathik Shetty